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Blog / Tummy Tuck Alternative Transformations

Cassandra’s Says AbEX Was “The Best Decision I’ve Ever Made!”

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Cassandra began seriously considering liposuction surgery shortly after giving birth to her daughter in 2018, but her struggles with weight loss and body image began long before she became a mother. People would make comments about her figure throughout her life – often not realizing the effect their words were having – which made her feel self-conscious and uncomfortable in her skin. In response to these comments, Cassandra resolved to slim down. She tried everything she could to burn the fat off. But no matter how often she went to the gym, or strictly she stuck to a diet, she couldn’t seem to shed that stubborn layer of excess fat around her abdomen. Despite being a rewarding and joyous experience, giving birth to a child only made it more difficult for Cassandra to achieve the body she wanted. So, having exhausted all of her other options, she finally accepted that professional help was needed if she was going to reach her physical goals.  

She scheduled a free consultation with the Sono Bello team in Bellevue, WA, and decided to move forward with the surgery. She wanted a minimally invasive procedure that would not only remove the unwanted fat from her abdominal area but would also smooth out her tummy skin for flatter and more natural-looking results. Based on these criteria, we recommended that she undergo our AbEX™ procedure that combines micro-laser liposuction fat removal and excess skin removal from the full abdomen to achieve tummy tuck-like results without having to endure general anesthetic and the heavy down-time.

She is now several weeks post-op, and, based on her results, she says that she “couldn’t be happier” with her decision to get the AbEX™ surgery. She says that she hasn’t looked this good or weighed this little since giving birth to her daughter, and she finally feels like she’s on track to achieving her ideal body.  
After her surgery, Cassandra told us, “This is the best decision I’ve EVER made! My self-confidence has skyrocketed. People can’t believe how good I look, and I can finally do activities with my daughter without having back pain!” We couldn’t be happier for her. Not only does she look fantastic, but she feels more confident, capable, and optimistic after her operation.  

The most surprising and unexpected part of the whole experience for Cassandra was how good she felt after the procedure and how quickly she recovered. She claims that she came out of the operating room and instantly felt like a new woman. Being a single, working mother, it was important for her to recover as quickly as possible so she could return to her busy life. 

Cassandra can’t wait to show off her new body and plans to go swimming in a two-piece bathing suit as soon as possible, something that she didn’t feel comfortable doing before. And to any women like her who are considering liposuction, Cassandra’s only advice is “Do it!” Whether you’re struggling to reclaim your old body after having children or are simply feeling down about your weight, liposuction is a great way to kickstart your journey towards self-improvement by permanently removing stubborn fat cells from your body. If you’re interested in taking the first step towards your own Sono Bello transformation, we invite you to schedule a free consultation at your earliest convenience. When it comes to your health and happiness, you deserve the best.  

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Sono Bello liposuction patient posing in front of orange background
Sono Bello liposuction patient posing in front of orange background

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