Stephanie is Turning Heads After Lipo
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For years, Stephanie was unhappy with her body. She struggled with layers of stubborn fat around her belly and waist that diminished her self-esteem.
She was discouraged when she looked in a mirror and was embarrassed to take her clothes off to swim or work out. She just didn’t feel like herself. The physical appearance that she presented to the outside world didn’t match the radiant personality that she held inside. So, she decided to take steps towards looking and feeling more confident.
Beginning her self-improvement journey.
As a professional housekeeper, Stephanie lived an active lifestyle and was on her feet for a good portion of the day. Her busy schedule kept her from dedicating too much time to a gym routine, but there were still things that she could do to burn off weight.
She began by improving her diet and being more disciplined about what and when she ate. This had a positive impact on her body image, but she still struggled to eliminate the fat deposits on her abdomen. Her lower belly and pelvis region remained an especially tricky problem area for her.
Over the years, she had considered liposuction on and off but never settled on a provider that she liked. Then, after doing some more serious research, she felt encouraged by what we at Sono Bello had to offer, so she scheduled a consultation with our patient education team.
Why Sono Bello?
After a candid conversation with our support staff, Stephanie felt that Sono Bello was the best option to help meet her goals. After seeing what other women like her had accomplished with Sono Bello, she knew that she wanted the same for herself.
The quality of the results that she could expect and the minimally invasive nature of the surgery were the two most important factors swaying her decision. With all of the requirements met, she decided to book an appointment to have liposuction surgery at our Fort Lauderdale, FL office a couple of weeks later.
About her surgery
Stephanie’s main concerns were excess stomach fat and skin. When discussing options with her surgeon, Stephanie decided to get AbEX coupled with waist, back, and bra roll TriSculpt. This tummy tuck alternative would give Stephanie the option of removing as much fat as possible from her mid-section and leave her with a flat, smooth stomach.
Life after lipo
Stephanie is fully recovered and says, “I haven’t been this happy in so long.” She doesn’t just feel like herself again; she feels like a whole new person.
Stephanie’s friends and family noticed her progress immediately and were thoroughly impressed. She says they continue to compliment and encourage her as she continues her health and wellness journey. Not only have her closest friends noticed her progress, but Stephanie says that when she’s out in public, she still gets complimented and noticed more than ever before.
Living in southern Florida, Stephanie can’t wait to confidently wear a bathing suit at the beach.
For anyone considering having a liposuction procedure, Stephanie’s advice is, “Go for it. You won’t regret it ever. This is the best procedure, and it will truly change your life for the best.”
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